Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Letter from Monte Madson President of LABI

Dear Alumni,
Thanks to all the Alumni who came to the Homecoming and Graduation events. Your presence there was a powerful show of force! Congratulations to all of the officers elected or reelected, Rose Amaro (President), Eli Lopez (Vice-President), and Arthur Lopez (Secretary/Treasurer) for their wide representation of leadership. Praise God for Rose Amaro and team who will be at the helm of helping LABI for the next two years. We believe in Rose and her vision. We appreciate that she and the Alumni exhibit the great heart of the fathers of our movement (Genesis 15:1-6; Malachi 4:5-6; 1 Timothy 1:2) to invest in a new generation of ministers by praying for, giving to, and sending young people for ministry training at their Alma Mater. The students were especially touched by your prayers as you reached out to them and gave them your blessing at the altar. Since many of these students don't have Christian parents to bless them, your blessing was not only welcomed but so necessary. It was great to see the Alumni and the student body come together and enjoy the Homecoming and Graduation. The food was great but the fellowship was even better. In fact, it had been years since we had an induction of new members into the Alumni from the graduating class like this one. And, what better place to bring them in to the Alumni Association than at graduation? We were also honored to reflect upon those whose sacrificial service (like Bro. James Plata and Bro. & Sis. Navarrette) have made LABI what it is today in its 80th year. The Alumni is certainly gathering momentum to face and influence a new generation of ministry. We couldn't be prouder or more hopeful for the future. God is putting together a great team for the great harvest. Thanks for taking the opportunity to come all the way out here to spend your precious time and money at your Alma Mater. Your love for LABI really shows. We love you Alumni!

Going Forward Together,
Monte Madsen
(LABI Class of 1985)


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